Thursday, November 5, 2009

How important is H1N1? VERY IMPORTANT!!!

The Controversy / Confusion surrounding the H1N1 Vaccine and its mandate or not, is a VERY IMPORTANT TOPIC!


This current issue is very important and deserves your Sober Attention, not because YOU NEED H1N1 NOW, but rather because it exposes several forces that act upon "Health" and "Health care" in the United States:
  • Organizations that seek to manipulate and maintain Market Share
  • Profit Driven-at the expense of your health and life-numb to your death- Profit Driven people and companies
  • Unfounded medicine- sure its very well researched in Laboratories with Millions of $s invested... Does it help you heal, cure, prevent illness and disease?

Now, to everyone's main question, "Should I take it? or Do I need it?" To help you make this decision, consider the following:

Tom Jefferson, MD, is considered the world's leading authority on influenza vaccinations. He has authored ten reviews for the Cochrane Collaboration, which is the most respected international center that evaluates medical research. Dr. Jefferson has asserted, "There is no evidence whatsoever that seasonal influenza vaccines have any effect, especially in the elderly and young children No evidence of reduced [number of] cases, deaths, complications."

Dr. Jefferson further asserts, "What you see every year as the flu is caused by 200 or 300 different agents with a vaccine against two of them. That is simply nonsense." Further, Dr. Jefferson has also declared, "
the H1N1 is not a major threat (this link is to an excellent short interview with him)." Dr. Jefferson has noted that Australia has just completed its winter, and there were only 131 deaths related to flu out of 22 million Australians.

The afore post, in gray, is reflected directly-without change- from the Blog of Dr. Steve Nenninger-

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